Selasa, 25 November 2014

Tutorial BKChem

Bwt kamu2 yang punya aplikasi BKChem, tapi bingung mau njalaninnya gimana... ikuti panduannya di bawah ini.... sekalian belajar english ya... maka akan disajikan dalam english...

    1. Buka aplikasi BKchem
There are 5 main sections: Main menu, Action menu, Text line with its buttons, Drawing section and Status bar section. 
             Nahh,,nanti akan muncul tampilan seperti ini.
 2. A square at the end of a bond indicates possibility of joining another bond, or typing chemical formula on keyboard, which is then placed instead of a square.
      3. One of the basic functions of every program-UNDO, is available in edit menu or by CTRL-Z shortcut
4. After choosing object-scale, you can change a size of an object. Three useful options are available
5. There´s a bond symbol in action menu, but a bond could be drawn several ways. Colour squares   indicates:Green:Angle between 2 bonds; Red:bond order; Blue:Style; Yellow:Fixed/Nonfixed length
  6. These are the basic shortcuts, it will be usable in almost every / every editor

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